Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Elk Meadows

    Stellar jays and robins dart about at the edge of Elk Meadows campground, near the gloriously  sunny site we choose at Prairie Creek State Park in the Redwoods National Forest, northern California. Signs out by the road read, "Elk Viewing." A large meadow of ferns in their November brown garb fronts our small open campground loop.  There are benches placed along the meadow's edge and more signs that read, "Danger: Do not approach wildlife." "Must be some elk that walk through this area," we think. Not until we have set up camp a few yards from the ferns do we notice antler-sized 'sticks' moving in the ferns, and we realize that there are three elk snoozing right there, a short distance from the Pickle.

"Sticks" in the ferns
We wait. We eat our lunch, and then I take my place in a lawn chair at the front of the motor home - ahhh! A chance to read in the sun! As the sun moves slightly down in the sky, I feel a "change": "Dusk comes early to the redwoods," I think.  I glance to my left and then see it in all of its largeness - a bull elk walking toward me.
 I decide to slip into the GMC. That wakes Michael and I tell him he may want to see this. "And get your camera!!"

                                                                                             The "sticks" come to life
The elk comes toward us but only to graze on the grass near the GMC.  Two other elk follow, and there they stay for an hour or more, nibbling, chewing, completely indifferent to us, or cars that stop to take photos, or other campers that drive in to set up camp.  Later the elk move to the campground's grassy central area, oblivious even to Nina's barking.

Outside the Pickle

The following morning, the three elk were joined by a fourth, grazing again just a short distance from our window. Perhaps they brought the frost that covered the campground, including the cyclist's tents nearby.

                                                              Frosty morning - 28 degrees!


1 comment:

  1. That bull is HUGE!! Bill went to CO elk hunting and didn't see any. He would have loved to see that big fellow! Keep posting! Are you keeping warm in the pickle?
